Setelah lama mencari - cari informasi bagaimana biar internetan gak lelet dan gak sering disconnect, akhirnya menemukan juga software yang satu ini. Awalnya sih gak terlalu percaya bisa menambah speed internet, tapi akhirnya saya coba juga yah lumayan bertambah lah speednya. Kebetulan saya menggunakan modem mobi saya kurang tau untuk produk yang lain anda bisa mencoba sendiri, mengenai mobi saya pernah tuliskan "Internetan Gratis Menggunakan Modem Mobi" jika anda berminat, anda bisa membacanya.
cFosSpeed v.5.10 Build 1584 ini mampu membuat koneksi internet menjadi lebih cepat dan mengirit kuota pemakaian internet. Cfosspeed v.5.01 dijual seharga $19,9 USD tapi sentraBLOG akan memberikan gratis pada anda. Berikut deskripsi software tersebut :
- Consistently quick response time while surfing the Web or running other applications
- Improved VoIP speech quality
- Perfect for online gamers!
- Extended Traffic Shaping for DSL modems, cable modems and routers
- Highly responsive when used with online games and filesharing (P2P) like eMule, Kazaa or Bittorrent
- Minimal ping times for streaming audio and video, Voice over IP (VoIP), Internet Radio, etc.
- Individual program prioritization
Traffic Shaping best for
- Broadband: DSL, Cable
- Narrow band: modem, ISDN
- Mobile
- Filesharing (P2P)
- Games
- Streaming Media, VoIP
- Low Ping
- Prioritising programs
- Prioritising protocols
- Online Budgets
- Firewall
- Broadband: Cabel and DSL
- Narrow band: Modem and ISDN
- Mobile
- Media:
- DSL, PPPoA (VCmux and LLC)
- Cable
- IP over AAL
- RFC1483/2684 bridged
- Router and dial-up connections
- LAN and WLAN
- Router and Bridge-Mode
- Multiple connections simultaneously
- Adjustable routes
- Several IP adresses per adapter
Traffic Shaping:
- Multi-User version
-TX and RX-Shaping
- L7 Protocol Analysis
- Prioritization of Programs
- RTP/VoIP Detection
- 5 priority queues
- Individual rules with filter language
- Low-Latency Mode
- Auto-MTU optimization
- Time and volumen budgets
- Usage Graph
- Overview of connections
- Skin-Windows
- Firewall
- Data and packet logging
- 32-Bit and 64-Bit version
- 12+ languages
Kira - kira begitu lah deskripsi cFosSpeed v5.10, anda bisa mendownload softwarenya [disini]
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